Become a Facilitator Not only are the workshops plenty fun to present, you'll be making a genuine difference to students' lives. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Mobile Number * What city are you applying for? * Auckland Wellington Which university are you from? What degree(s) are you completing? * What majors are you studying? * What year do you expect to graduate? * What is your UPI (or university equivalent)? * What is your ID number (or university equivalent)? * How did you hear about SavY? * Family Friends Someone from SavY SavY ran workshops at my high school Other (please state in next question) If you clicked other for the question above, please explain Alternatively if someone from SavY told you about us, what was their name? How can you add value as a workshop facilitator? Think about your attributes and experience. * What motivates you to become a workshop facilitator? * Do you have access to a car during school hours (to drive to schools)? * Yes No What suburb are you based in? This is to understand where our facilitators are based for the best assignments of workshops to you (optional) Which days of the week are you most likely to be able to run workshops? * Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Thank you!